The Dark Matter

Dark Energy, Dark Matter | Science Mission Directorate


               Matter, we have known this word for long. "Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass". Everything we see, we touch, we feel is in fact matter. "Energy is the ability to do work". We knew this until 1933 when Dark Matter was discovered and 1998 when Dark Energy was discovered.

                               Dark matter looks like this:


              Yes, this is indeed the Dark Matter. The Dark Matter is a kind of matter that cannot radiate, absorb or reflect light. Then a question arises, then how come do we know that Dark Matter really existed? This was because as it has its own effects on things that are visible. Dark Matter is a substance which enhances the gravitational force of visible matter. It is the only reason and explanation of rotation and revolution of planets, stars, galaxies. Dark Matter is non-baryonic (meaning they do not contain visible matter) instead they have subatomic particles which are yet to be discovered.

              Dark Matter is of two types - hot dark matter and cold dark matter. Hot dark matter is the matter in which the matter present moves vigorously and can travel in the universe at the speed almost that of light. For comparison, the sun is 152 billion kilometers from earth and it takes 8 minutes for light to travel from sun to earth. Albert Einstein in his theory of special relativity assumed that noting can move faster than light.

              We know very less about dark energy and dark matter. Neutrinos, the particles formed when two elements undergo nuclear fusion are particles like an electron without very less mass or absolute zero mass can be Dark Matter. 

              Now, we know about dark matter but what does it do or does it make any difference being in the universe? Dark Matter makes up about 27% of matter-energy composition while the visible matter is about 5% in the universe. Dark Matter as mentioned above is the cause for rotation and revolution. The composition of Dark Matter will determine if the universe will continue to expand or will expand to a point and then collapses or expands and stop at a point.

              Dark Matter slows the process of expansion as it works like an attractive force which is possessed only by gravity and no other forces nor light. Understand it like cement which holds the universe together. Price of Dark Matter can be around $66 trillion. Is a black hole made of Dark Matter? According to a new study, the composition of black holes formed at the beginning of the universe can be Dark Matter. 

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                                                    -Blog by Daksh Bawgiker. 


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