The Universe: The Formation of The Solar System (The Universe Part 2)

The universe is a very vast subject or a theory. We still believe in theories to know the subject, and to know a subject we need theories. 'We all are a part of the universe and universe is a part of us from the start'. The Big Bang - the first thing we wonder when we hear this is a large massive explosion releasing a large amount of heat and light.
The Big Bang led to the scattering of various elements and matter. A wise man once said that there is nothing which is perfect. And due to this imperfections we or this universe exists. How? The matter was not evenly distributed in the universe. Due to this matter started to attract the rest of the matter due to difference between gravitational force causing to form galaxies and stars. And one the galaxy was our milky way galaxy.
The milky way galaxy about 1,05,700 light years in diameter with about 400 million stars was formed about 13.5 billion years ago is where our solar system is.4.5 billion years ago almost 27,000 light years away from the center of milky was where our solar system was going to form.
Before the formation of the solar system, there was only a cloud of gas (mainly hydrogen and helium) and dust called solar nebula. Due to the radiations of a nearby supernova the solar nebula collapsed.
Due to this collapse a few particles vanished away. Due to this irregularity, the gravitational forces possessed by particles were uneven. The matter again came closer and formed round shaped structures. The irregularities between the particles formed very large gaps.
The largest round shaped structure was formed with more amount of hydrogen and helium, which was later called The Sun. And, the rest were formed as the planets, each with different composition. The gravitational force possessed by the Sun was the highest as it had more mass than the others so, due to the centrifugal force the planets revolve around the Sun.
Every particle rotates on its axis and revolves around a stronger force. A particles rotates on its own axis to maintain their momentum and direction as no other force (other than centripetal force) acts on it.
The recent searches show that each galaxy in this universe has a black hole in its center. What is a black hole? What will happen if we fall into one? Why is a black hole black? Is there a white hole? Ever wondered these questions? If yes comment below 'BLACK HOLE' if you need an explanation on black holes.
Blog by Daksh Bawgiker
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