The Universe: The History of The Life on Earth (The Universe Part 3)

 Scientists use sound to track tiny organisms in the body - The Verge
Picture Show: Microscopic Organisms: Cell Press


              We usually wonder, where did we humans come from? What were the first organisms on earth? How did the conditions form, so that we can survive? We all have the curiosity to ask these questions. But whom do we ask? The formation of the universe and its constituents is very intriguing. From the Big Bang till date, we have evolved, developed and grown a lot. But we have only a few answers to the questions asked.

              After the supernova of a nearby star the solar system was formed. The huge round structures later called the planets were formed. At the start there were 13 planets. There were 4 planets which were nearer to the sun or lied in the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids/big rocks) which were called the inner planets. And the rest were called exoplanets.

              The conditions suitable for a living were that of the third planet or the earth. At the formation of the earth the composition included ice, rocks, a few metals which sat inside the core. Slowly, gravity began to form due to the mass and also the friction between the metals in the core.

              About almost 2 billion years from now the first ever living organisms called Cyanobacteria or the Blue-green algae appeared. These bacteria had many special abilities like they had a protective layer which protected them from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Another ability of these bacteria was that they were able to perform photosynthesis. And the end product of this process was oxygen. 

             Like this the oxygen emerged. Now you might wonder from where the carbon dioxide appeared from. This gas was already readily available in the environment The oxygen created by the blue-green algae with help of the UV rays got converted to ozone by which the ozone layer was formed. This ozone layer helped to absorb harmful UV rays from reaching to earth. The temperature of earth slowly began to fall.

              The surface of earth was soil (SiO2) which had a lot of water and other nutrients. Due to these reasons, the plants emerged. The first plants were mosses and liverworts which appeared about 500 million years ago. These plants were formed from algae. These plants prepared their food by photosynthesis. This process also involved production of oxygen. 

              The water from the molten rocks came to the surface of the earth and quickly vaporized as the temperatures were more than that of boiling point of water. The vaporized air converted to clouds and when the temperatures were less than that of boiling point of water. It started to rain, this process continued. And so, the temperature of the earth slowly fell. 

              First organisms like comb jelly, ancient scorpions and myriapod Kampecaris obanensis came into existence. Most of the first organisms were aquatic but later they evolved to become terrestrial. 

              We know each and every thing is made of matter. But there is something called the Dark Matter. No one really knows what is Dark Matter nor they know where it is present. Is the Dark Matter really dark/invisible? Is there Dark Matter present everywhere we go? Is the space made of dark matter? Is the emptiness of an atom filled with Dark Matter? 


                                                             Blog by Daksh Bawgiker 


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