
Showing posts from June, 2021

The Dark Matter

                   Matter, we have known this word for long. "Matter is anything that occupies space and has mass". Everything we see, we touch, we feel is in fact matter. "Energy is the ability to do work". We knew this until 1933 when Dark Matter was discovered and 1998 when Dark Energy was discovered.                                Dark matter looks like this:                                Yes, this is indeed the Dark Matter. The Dark Matter is a kind of matter that cannot radiate, absorb or reflect light. Then a question arises, then how come do we know that Dark Matter really existed? This was because as it has its own effects on things that ...

The Universe: The History of The Life on Earth (The Universe Part 3)

                  We usually wonder, where did we humans come from? What were the first organisms on earth? How did the conditions form, so that we can survive? We all have the curiosity to ask these questions. But whom do we ask? The formation of the universe and its constituents is very intriguing. From the Big Bang till date, we have evolved, developed and grown a lot. But we have only a few answers to the questions asked.               After the supernova of a nearby star the solar system was formed. The huge round structures later called the planets were formed. At the start there were 13 planets. There were 4 planets which were nearer to the sun or lied in the asteroid belt (a ring of asteroids/big rocks) which were called the inner planets. And the rest were called exoplanets.               The conditions su...

The Universe: The Formation of The Solar System (The Universe Part 2)

                             The universe is a very vast subject or a theory. We still believe in theories to know the subject, and to know a subject we need theories. 'We all are a part of the universe and universe is a part of us from the start'. The Big Bang - the first thing we wonder when we hear this is a large massive explosion releasing a large amount of heat and light.                The Big Bang led to the scattering of various elements and matter. A wise man once said that there is nothing which is perfect. And due to this imperfections we or this universe exists. How? The matter was not evenly distributed in the universe. Due to this matter started to attract the rest of the matter due to difference between gravitational force causing to form galaxies and stars. And one the galaxy was our milky way galaxy.     ...

The Universe: The Birth of The Universe (The Universe Part 1)

                  The race of this universe began about 13.7 billion years ago when there was a really huge explosion which led to scattering of matter into the universe. Do we really know if this is true? If yes, then how did this happen? If no, then what actually happened? Why did this happen? Was there a god behind it?                  Science doesn't really have answers to all of this, but we are trying to know what actually happened. People like Georges Lemaitre (who proposed the big bang theory) had curiosity to that level which led to the theory of big bang. Now you already know who proposed the big bang theory, but do you really know how did it all begin?                 It all began about 14 billion years ago when the first matter in the universe was formed along with same amount of antimatter. Then the matter the...