The Process of Respiration (Part - 2)
The lungs are the site for exchange of gases. Lungs are present in the chest cavity or thorax cavity.The lungs are protected by brist bone/chest bone/sternum from the front, rib cage from sides and back bone or vertebral column from back. When we breathe in our lungs expand, moving ribs outward. When we breathe out our lungs contract, moving ribs inward. At the bottom of the lungs a structure called diaphragm is present, which helps the lungs to expand and contract properly. Not only that, they also stop lungs from damaging the stomach. When we breathe in the diaphragm moves downward and when we breathe out they move inward. The diaphragm is also called the floor of chest cavity as it is the bottom most structure of the chest cavity. The oxygenated blood from the heart is supplied to almost all the cells by blood vesse...